Monday, 1 February 2010

7: love my life: for all the advice i didn't follow...

and oh was there a lot! i guess the easiest thing to do would be to list it... the ones i can remember, anyway...

  • i shouldn't look different... my ENTIRE life all i had were my sisters and mum telling me not to get tattoos, stretch my ears, get piercings or dye my hair... i used to have a massive collection of newspaper or magazine clippings that my sister seemingly collected EVERY time she saw a new one describing how difficult it was to get a job or make friends whilst looking 'alternative.' i love that i didn't listen to them because i simply adore the creature i am today... dyed, tattoo'd, stretched and never, ever matching. 
  • stick with the marriage... even today when i speak to my sisters they harass me and tell me that i should have tried harder on my marriage with chris. even after i have told them that it isn't going to happen they still hound me, telling me that chris was a good person and i should have tried harder to make it work with him.... i know today without a shadow of a doubt that this has been the best decision of my life and i will never, ever live to regret it. 

right, i guess there were only two. i've been sat for the last hour trying to remember more but i can't... i guess i was never that much of a rebel. i did heed a lot of the advice that my family and friends offered me.

so there we are.


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