Friday, 9 July 2010

Hate Week

It started one weekday afternoon…  we were lounging, my head on a cushion on his knee and my legs kicked over the arm of the sofa. He had bought the film “1984” and was very excited to watch it with me. I had never read the book or really heard much about the film but I love moviedates with Pow, so I decided that even if I ended up falling asleep, at least I got to have yet another moviedate with Pow. 

We watched the film, enjoyed the cinematography and I secretly swooned over the love story…. Once it was over i THINK we watched another film, but I can’t be certain. I know we mused briefly about him having a housewarming party (which is funny purely because he’s actually lived in that house for nearly six years, he just never had a housewarming) and I know that we had a very short talk about doing our own version of “Hate Week” like in the film, but that topic was soon overshadowed by talk of my upcoming trip to London and what food I was going to bring back with me, when we would break into the hippodrome again, what we were going to have for dinner and whether we were going to shoot another episode of Cooking With The Stars. 

It wasn’t until a week later that I was in the pub with Nick, stood at the end of the bar sipping a toffee apple cider that it hit me. Buddy was prancing around at my feet and the thought of Hate Week popped into my head again. I told Nick it would be incredible to have a Hate Week party and asked what weekends the pub had free before I left. Upon investigation of the pub’s diary it was decided that a party was out of the question, so I drank more and had an epiphany. 

I sat on this epiphany all night until I was able to see Pow in the morning... we sat by the back door on the sofa, drinking tea in the sunlight and it was decided that we would combine the housewarming with Hate Week… we would spend an entire week hating as many things as possible… 

propaganda-making has begun and house-preparation is under-way. 

The days running-up to Hate Week (which officially begins in OUR house on Monday) are filled with us being VERY excited about Hate Week… gardening, choosing the foods, inviting guests and generally being pleased. It is going to be so much fun and will most likely get outrageously out of hand, but it WILL last the entire week and we WILL hate everything. 

Just be cautious. 



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