Tuesday, 7 June 2011

to tuesday, with love...

busy, busy day... i need to get this churned out so i can get on with taking care of Muffin... i just LOVE having a sick boy in my life!

please, have my list and enjoy it.

fat biker dudes
Wilford Brimley
Matt Dillon
Cory McAbee... musician, actor and amazingly wonderful man.
when the name of a film is said DURING the film
friendly celebrities... nothing in the world makes me feel more delighted than when i meet someone i admire musically or from films and they are friendly. when we went to Olympia to see Cory McAbee last week i could only find myself stunned when he came up to us and hugged me when i introduced myself. we chatted with him for ages and he was honestly one of the kindest men i have ever met in my life. it was so nice to see that someone as big as him would be so approachable.
Stingray Sam... seriously, if you've not seen it, find it somehow and watch it!
watching people do the voices for cartoons
our invites... oh but we received them and they are the best things in the world! our incredible friend Heather agreed to make our wedding invites for us for free and they are literally the best things in the world! we have begun sending them out and i am so beyond pleased.
russian nesting dolls
carpenter's pencils
the photos in true crime books
hot dogs
Muffin's wedding band... oh yes, we ordered it and i can't believe how thrilled i am when i think about him wearing a wedding band. i love the thought that he will finally have a wedding ring he's happy with and chose because it was something he wanted. i love that we will finally be getting married and that ring will be a symbol of that union. i love him and just can't wait to be married!
I WON A WEDDING DRESS! yep. i entered a contest to win a free Disney Princess wedding gown and i totally won it. i shall be picking it up next friday and i can imagine i'll no doubt be prancing around in it nearly constantly. 

eh, that's it... he's very sickly and i need to snuggle him and make sure he's feeling as tip-top as possible. my poor little man.

have a wonderful week, please.


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