Over-thinking things… it seems this is my brain’s favourite thing in the entire world to do. Whilst I don’t particularly enjoy it, this learned behaviour that I’ve developed is something I’ve come to cherish… does that make sense? Particularly in these last few months, despite me HATING Christopher for his incessant over-thinking, I have honed in on the ability to over-think things in a most-of-the-time constructive way. The biggest things I am over-thinking at the moment, as you have read, are my move back stateside and my relationship with Muffin. It all just feels huge and whilst it is terrifying and a constant thought preying on my mind, it really does make me feel very adult, to see myself capable of making such huge decisions for without having to rely on anyone else. It’s nice and makes for some awesome poetry.
Schogetten chocolate
Halter-neck dresses
My mobile phone
Having disgusting hobbies… yes, danie officially has all the most disgusting hobbies. Hobbies that it seems I can only delight in with Pow. The most recent being the ascertaining, cooking and photographing of various animal anatomy. Two weekends ago I marched into the butcher’s with my tiny janey to pick up some reserved meat (two sets of pig lungs, 4 cow kidneys, 2 ox livers and 7 cow hearts) which were then safely stowed away in my fridge until the shoot which took place Sunday. Pow came round and we started shooting the meat; the whole process from taking it out of the fridge to cooking it, to preparing it to eating it (although, we only actually had the guts to eat the heart after I sautéed it in garlic, chilli and coriander for a bit). One of the hearts made its way to a dish which is where it lived until some early hour yesterday morning. because of the heat, Pow and I decided to attempt to get some shots of the heart covered in maggots, so I left the heart out for the local copulating, hungry flies. They took the bait and we got some incredible shots on Saturday, only to be trumped by the next ‘heart date’ which was due to take place last night… the date was cancelled because some stupid neighbourhood creature decided it wanted to steal my heart in the middle of the night. Anyways, long story short, I have excellent hobbies… be jealous.
My life… all exhaustion and fail aside, I have been relishing in the fact that my life is actually incredibly perfect. I have everything I could have ever hoped for and I love that. I know I love to complain, but when I look at it, everything in my life is wonderful and I love that every tiny little thing works out just perfectly for me… granted, this doesn’t come without a substantial amount of work on my behalf, but it is wonderful nonetheless. I have incredible friends and in the face of the adversity that my divorce threw up at me, things came together in all the right ways to make for the most thrillingly comfortable ride ever. I always seem to end up with the circumstances working out JUST in my favour and making me smile even bigger than I did before, from Muffin re-contacting me after the divorce to me moving into Pow’s because of RetardStacey. Everything works out for me in the end and I love that about my life. I love that I am willing to work as hard as I am to make it what it is, I love that I can look back and see exactly what stitches I put in this giant tapestry of my existence to make it what it is today. I love that I have had the strength to persevere and make my life what it is today, everything, and I mean absolutely everything I could have ever wanted it to be. I am a strong, fabulous person who people recognize on the street and who has an amazing amount of close friends that love her just as much as she loves them.
I’M A BRITISH CITIZEN... yeah, you read THAT right! Danie is now officially a british citizen. Since I posted my passport off to Liverpool nearly six weeks ago I’ve been hanging from tinder hooks, wondering when I would get it all back… I had vowed that as soon as my passport arrived back I would buy my ticket back to America and hand my notice in (so as soon as I get my deposit back I will be able to tell everyone when my flight back is), so everyone would ask me every day if I had received it. last tuesday was a horrible day. I was cranky, tired and generally sad about packing up my house, so my day at work was filled with lots of very abrupt responses and quiet moments to myself. I arrived home, dejected already because I was CERTAIN that it would not have arrived when I opened my door to an envelope unlike any other envelope I had seen before. It was postmarked Nottingham and addressed to Danielle Nicole Verlaque-Oldfield… I knew immediately and shouted “oh em gee” to the nobody that was in my house before scooping the envelope up and prancing up the stairs. I hopped onto my bed and ripped open the brown paper, turning the contents out and exposing my passport… my wonderful passport, covered in silver ink from a pen-exploding-incident. Along with the passport was a letter. The letter quoted that the receipt of my documents had been noted and they would not need to see them again… it went on to say that they were pleased to announce my application had been successful… it was that word, my new favourite word, that I started to weep… I scrambled around my room for my phone, desperate to ring someone, ANYONE. Pow was busy, Janey’s phone was off and Muffin wasn’t online. I rang Nick… I knew he was in London, bracing himself for the night of his life at the O2 arena on a date with Bon Jovi, but I was hoping to catch him JUST before he left. He answered in the sassy voice he always does when I call and asked if I was okay. I didn’t know what else to say but that I was a citizen. I shouted it and was weepy. He was pleased for me and we spoke about his hotel room and how excited he was to participate in all things frizzy-haired and 80’s. We said our farewells and I posted a status update on Facebook announcing my new citizenship role. I went on to send texts to nine of my favourite people, people I knew didn’t have facebook or wouldn’t be on for a while and sat with glee, waiting for Muffin to come online… I was SO excited to tell him… his reaction left little to be desired and… well, that was it. at the end of the day, who cares?! Danie is a citizen now! yay!!
Fanta Icy Lemon soda
Brother’s Toffee Apple Cider
The Hippodrome
M & M’s
Drawing… I TOTALLY have the biggest crush EVER on drawing at the moment. Granted, my drawings aren’t THAT great, I still have fun. I try to draw one thing a day… something that inspires me in the morning, and I work on it throughout the day, during phone calls and lunch. I’ve borne some quite cute/funny fruit over the last couple of weeks and am generally pleased with myself.
Losing weight… I am still losing weight at a steady pace and it is making me feel so, so good about myself. I am able to wear clothes I could have never before viewed myself as comfortable wearing… I just feel so amazingly good about my body at the moment. I find myself staring at my reflection in the mirror quite often, surprised by how much weight I’ve lost and how excellent I look now. I just feel so good… that’s all there is to that.
Having my passport back
Ashley Arneson
Planning to meet all of Ashley’s lovely ladies when I go back to visit
Curtis Baker’s new baby
Spaghetti Bolognaise
Good penmanship
When Muffin actually emails me
Buddy, the Bar One dog
Nights out in Bar One
Nick Parker
Planning my leaving party… because OMG it is going to be EPIC! I can’t actually believe how amazingly fun it is going to be. I’ve just slotted another band in and EVERY band that’s performing will be doing a cover of Caribbean Queen, which pleases me to no end. There will be SO much food, SO many cakes and the ENTIRE night will be filmed for me to take away and muse over on the long, sad days back in America.
Popping my joints
Being trusted with important jobs
Date-stamping things
Thomas Truax
Coat hooks
Bad horror films
Popping spots
Stretching my ears
Lying in bed and reading
My capacity for remembering numbers
Painting my nails
Slow Club
Making fun of scenesters with Nick
REALLY heavy rain
Purging things I don’t need anymore
The fact that Christopher and I are amicable