► Are you single? nope, happily taken by a beautiful boy.
► Are you happy? overall, yes. overall, i am as happy as i think i can be given my current circumstances.
► Are you bored? not particularly. i guess a little... but not for the loss of things to do, because i have a shit-ton i could be doing.
► Are you sad? mmm... slightly? i have an overall blah feeling, but i reckon it's from the cold outside and the tired. i should really take a sleep.
► Are you Italian? nope.
► Are you German? nope.
► Are you Asian? i WISH!
► Are you angry? i don't have a single angry bone in my body at the moment.
► Are you Irish? nay.
► Are your parents still married? nah. they divorced a billion years ago.
► Birth Place? Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA.
► Hair Color? brown... completely natural.
► Hair Style? constantly out of control. i never know what's happening with it... since i had it shaved i just let it do it's own thing and that's just what it's doing. i heart it though, despite the stupid side-part it's developed all by itself.
► Eye color? i THINK they're green... green and fabulous. i heart my eyeballs.
► Birthday? november 14th.
► Mood? meh.
► Gender? girlier than a lot of girls (see: crocheting, baking, embroidering, sewing, cooking, weeing whilst sat, etc)
► Lefty or Righty? i'm all about the right hand, yo.
► Summer or Winter? i LOVE winter purely because the temperatures don't make me want to kill myself. i HATE being hot and i love snow, so months with an 'r' in them make me happiest.
► Morning or Afternoon? i am ALL about mornings. i am quite possibly the most annoying person EVER first thing in the morning, all bouncy and pleased.
► Are you in love? with such an aching, burning in my chest that i MIGHT die.
► Do you believe in love at first sight? mmhmm... and i participate in this about thirty-six times a day with multiple people and items.
► Who ended your last relationship? hmmm, i said the actual words, but it was a mutual decision.
► Have you ever been hurt? of course i have.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? i have, yes. and i'm not proud.
► Are you friends with your ex? well, one of them, no. the last one, kinda? the final one, he's my... hrm.... boyface.
► Are you afraid of commitment? i CAN be... i am slightly terrified of having to be as adult as is expected of me, but it's all a part of the thrill, yes?
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? just Muffin and Randy.
► Have you ever had a secret admirer? not that i am particularly aware of. i guess the Muffin used to stalk me and when we weren't talking... weirdo.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? oh yes... multiple times. i tend to be the worst for doing that.
► Love or Lust? love
► Lemonade or Iced tea? oh my GOD lemonade... american lemonade!
► Cats or Dogs? dogs!
► A few best friends or many regular friends? a few best.
► Television or Internet? internet.
► Pepsi or Coke? coke! yaycoke!
► Wild night out or romantic night in? well, it depends what company i'm in... i love both. right now i could do with a romantic night in though.
► Pink or Purple? oh my GOD i love pink. purple makes me want to kill myself most of the time.
► Day or Night? mostly day.
► IM or Phone? phone!
► Been caught sneaking out? nope. never once (and i did that A LOT as a youth. thanks Muffin)
► Fallen off the stairs? well, not OFF, but i HAVE fallen DOWN some stairs once.
► White water rafted? no, but i quite fancy it.
► Finished an entire jawbreaker? oh yes! i recall it very clearly as well! i was quite young and it was just after the first flinstones movie came out... they had some giant jawbreakers come out with it and i got one. it took me MONTHS but i finished every single last bit of it.
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? sigh. yes. i am living THAT dream pretty constantly.
► Prank called a store? ha! yes! i did that a LOT as a youth with jessica.
► Skipped School? oh yes, mostly during my summer of love with Muffin. i NEVER went to school. we just went from whatever bed we slept in to IHOP and back to bed again. what a glorious summer.
► Wanted to disappear? mmhmm... of course. everyone has those moments.
► Last phone call? Muffin... he rang to say he was on his way home. weirdo.
► Last person you hung out with? aside from Muffin? Randy and Sarah, i think... on Thanksgiving. but i GUESS i did have a fag and a chat with Ben Jammin' the other night... does that count?
► Last person you hugged? Muffin. just as he was leaving from lunchies. i kept making him come back and hug me.
► Last person you IM'ed? Pow... ages ago. like, in september. i don't get on IM really anymore.
► Last thing you ate? Ramen with leftover ham, Thai sweet chili sauce and lemon pepper in... oh! and sesame oil. NOM. then a Swedish Fish.
► Last thing you drank? cola.
► Last site you went to? the book of face.
► Last place you were? what? other than here? Muffin and i went driving for a couple of hours yesterday and we went through Puyallup and Lacey and then we went on post for din dins.
► Are you in a committed relationship? i guess... yeah. unless we're on post or at wal-mart, in which case i have to be a secret.
► Do you want to be? yeah. i'd like it if things could be more firm and we didn't have to hide but meh...
► When was your last relationship? well, it officially ended on September 18th 2009.
► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? oh yes... the muffin, big time. but this love's not reserved to love-interests. i love janey and pow more than anything else in the world as well.
► Do you still love them? i love them very much, yes.
► Do you like someone right now? SQUEE, yes!
► Do you and your family get along? yeah, more or less. my sisters and i speak regularly and we have a good laugh. i am the apple of my grandparent's eyes and... well, i love my family and they love me.
► Would you say you have a "fucked up life"? not even a little tiny bit. i have a more perfect life than i could have ever imagined possible.
► Have you ever run away from home? nope, and never had the inclination to either.
► If so, how long? x
► Have you ever gotten kicked out? nope.
► If so, how long? x
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends? nope, i don't hate anybody.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends? pretty much, yes. obviously, there are a few really lame ones, but overall, my friends are all amazing and i love them for their own special reasons.
► Do you trust all your friends? i trust people that AREN'T my friends. i trust everyone.
► Who are/is your best friend(s)? janeyface, Muffin and ashley. my three most favourites in the world.
► Would you die for them? well... hrm. that's a hard one. maybe?
► Who knows everything about you? pow pow, janey ashley and Muffin. they are the three who know the most ever in the world about me. i guess Muffin knows the most though.