this week is like, the best week ever in the world for hearting things. i have spent just the last two days in a big fat whirlwind of excited glee, trying to keep my feet on the ground but failing quite a lot. i have been running around with wedding plans and hen-night plans and rabbit joy and have forgotten to remember to slow down. although, despite my pleased-ness, i have been enjoying all things life...
- the sneaks... this is the band husband played with on friday and they are
delightful. the lead singer is a really young guy who looks quite a lot like chad from new found glory and he is generally really sweet, shy and has amazing taste in music. it is not often that i really enjoy a band that husband plays with. i tend to be quite protective about his abilities and how he goes about utilising them. it really makes me happy to see him playing in a band that he seemed to enjoy a great deal and that performs a genre of music that speaks more to his style of music than anyone else's.
- my amazon wishlist... i have only just learned the glory of creating an amazon wishlist and holy moly has it been a fun experience. i really love that when i look at a book it tells me what other books that i would like for it to make friends with. it is true, i would like for all of my books to have their own BFF and if i can find something that is willing to help me in that quest, i will greet it with open arms.
- angel food bakery... i am more excited than anything ever to prance into the little b
akery on meeting house lane and buy every single cupcake i can find whilst i am there. they all look like their own little piece of precious and yummy art that i just want to consume as quickly as possible. i plan to march into the shop within the first hour of arriving in brighton and gain at least half a stone by forcing these precious treats to become friends with my esophogus.
- getting tattoos... never in the course of getting any of my tattoos have i felt so chilled o
ut and pleased than when i got my hula done on my arm. i had spent at least a week before getting it fretting about the impending doom my arm would experience and how little i was going to be able to sit through. however, going against my expectations, my arm decided it would behave and i was able to sit through 6 1/2 hours of being stabbed. in that time i took a nap and drank at least a litre of orange juice (which i have now deiced is much better than consuming an abundance of caffinated liquid. obviously, having a tattoo on the underside of one's arm does leave a lot to be desired, but mygod it is splendid!
- changing jobs... it isn't until one leaves their current job for another that they realise how much they are needed and how lost the world will be without them. it has been so delightful this week to have the chance to see how much everyone is falling apart with the thought of not having me around to do my work. everyone keeps trying to weasle queries into me before i leave and it is just really nice. if ever you are feeling down or like you just aren't needed, quit your job. people will fall at your feet, begging you to stay.
- our bitchin' hen night!! so, as you are aware, the hen night is fast approaching. the excitment has only been building for it though, in leaps and bounds. last wednesday i got a phone call from a lady at BBC3 saying that they are doing a programme on 'modern women's relationships with alcohol.' so generally, they want to send a presenter out to drink with lots of people with lady bits from all age ranges. one of the nights they wanted to attend was a hen night. well, i got a call and spoke to the lady for a while... after being so excited, she said that they would speak to the director and get back to us by the end of the week but she was SURE we would be picked as characters like us are 'virtual gold dust' in the world of television. well, friday came and went with no phone call so gem and i just gave up. until yesterday! gem got a call saying that the producers are going to come meet with us today and get the go ahead for filming!! OMG! so not only will it be the best 50's themed partay ever, but it will be filmed and aired on national television for everyone to pretend they are a part of!!
quite good, but not good enough for a real blurb... making your own bath bombs, galaxy chocolate milk, mini cheddars, stationary, the dirty looks one gets if they have tattoos and DARE to walk down the street, lush toner tabs, abseiling, post-it notes, tiny boy tee shirts, flipz, tattoo conventions, imporomptu day trips to birmingham, almost being finished with a project and having a big fat curry after a night on the booze.